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Parham Brings 40 Years of Experience to TCP reports the recent addition of Jim Parham to the Transport Capital Partners team. Parham brings more than 40 years of experience in the transportation industry. For more information about Parham and Transport Capital Partners, read the full article.

Carrier Expectations Still Strong reports on TCP’s second quarter Business Expectations Survey that found that carrier expectations are still strong with more than 80 percent of carriers expecting volume increases in the next 12 months. Read the full article.

Carriers Worried About Labor Shortages covers the recent survey conducted by TCP which shows that carriers are worried about labor shortages. Read more.

Carriers More Eager to Replace Aging Fleets, Still Uncertain About Capacity covers the recent survey conducted by TCP which shows that carriers are more eager to replace their aging fleets, but do not plan on adding capacity. Read the full article here.
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Carriers Acquiring & Replacing More Equipment covers the recent survey conducted by TCP which shows that carriers are moving to more aggressive equipment acquisition and replacement plans. Read the full article here. Read more.

Richard Mikes Quoted About Impact of Regulatory Uncertainty cites Richard Mikes, TCP managing partner, in an article about the impact of regulatory uncertainty on the future business plans of fleet managers. Read more.

Anticipated Acquisition Activity as Carriers Manuever Changing Industry

An article from notes TCP survey results that project an increase in merger and acquisition activity as carriers attempt to maneuver a changing transportation industry. Read the full article here.

Carriers Plan to Use Independent Contractors and Used Trucks to Add Capacity displayed the survey results for TCP’s Business Expectation Survey, quoting Lana Batts, managing partner for TCP, about the specific ways carriers intend to add capacity in the next year. These plans include the use of both independent contractors and used trucks, despite high cost and limited availability. Read more.

Effects of the Improving Economy on the Transportation Industry

An article by says that TCP’s most recent Business Expectations Survey reports important findings about the effects of the improving economy on the transportation industry. The article focuses on carriers’ increased interest in mergers and acquisitions. Read the full article.

Driver Shortage Due to Increased Freight discusses TCP’s Business Expectation Survey’s finding that there is currently a driver shortage due to increased amounts of truck freight. The article notes carriers’ reported decrease in dependence on brokers and a supply-demand dynamic that favors truckers. Read the full article.