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Carriers Attracted to Spot Market Due to Higher Rates reports on the effect of spot market rates on broker usage. Citing TCP data from the past year, TCP partner Lana Batts states that “while some carriers might use brokers to increase freight, TCP believes that most of these carriers are attracted to the spot market due to higher rates.” Read the article here.

Rising Rates Contribute to Expansion Plans

A recent article by discusses the results of TCP’s first quarter 2012 Business Expectation Survey and how the rising rates over the past several quarters seem to contribute to carriers’ confidence to expand. Click here to read more.

Carriers Optimistic for 2012 reports on how carriers are optimistic for 2012. According to TCP’s first quarter Business Expectations Survey, 77% of carriers expect volumes to increase in the year ahead and only 2.6% expect volumes to decrease. Click here to read the full article.

Smaller Carriers More Likely to be Impacted by Health Care Changes

Batts and Mikes are both quoted in an article by that highlights the findings about health care costs from TCP’s recent survey. According to the survey, smaller carriers are more likely to be negatively impacted by healthcare changes that larger carriers who plan to implement numerous strategies such as wellness plans. Click here to read the full article.

Carriers Anticipate an Increase in Driver Wages

A recent article by highlights some of the findings in TCP’s recent fourth quarter 2011 Business Expectations Survey which shows that 65% of carriers anticipate that driver pay will need to be north of $60,000 to both attract and retain drivers. Read the full article here.

Increase in Capacity Not Planned Until Rates Improve

Seventy-three percent of responding carriers in TCP’s recent survey said that they will not add any sort of significant capacity until rates improve. Twenty-five percent of carriers said that the operating ratio would need to be 87-90, while 50% said that it would need to be between 91-94. Click here to read’s full review.

Carriers Report Increased Rates Over the Past Three Months

In an article by, TCP’s recent survey is highlighted which showed that both small (under $25 million in revenue) and large carriers are expecting rates and volumes to increase in 2012. The survey also showed that a significant number of carriers reported increased rates over the previous three months. For more information about rate and volume expectations in 2012, click here to read the full article.

Many Carriers Are Considering Leaving the Industry

In a recent article by, Batts and Mikes are quoted regarding the recent findings from the Third Quarter TCP Business Expectations Survey. Given uncertainty about volumes, rates, drivers, and the economy, many carriers are considering leaving the industry. For more information, read the full article.

Tendency for Carriers to Use Contractors to Expand Fleets is Down

While the use of independent contractors has remained steady over the last five quarters, the tendency for carriers to use contractors to expand their fleets is trending down. quotes Batts and Mikes on the findings from TCP’s recent Business Expectations Survey. To read the full article, click here.

Carriers Backing Away from New Truck Buying Plans reports how carriers are backing away from new truck buying plans and are unsure of how to add capacity. The article cites the Third Quarter TCP Business Expectations survey as well as quoting both Batts and Mikes. To read more about carriers’ feelings on adding capacity, read the full article.