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Two-Thirds of Carriers Report Driver Shortage

According to, TCP’s Business Expectations Survey offers much insight into the current supply and demand dynamics of drivers in the trucking industry. While trucker recruiting is a growing problem during this shortage, truckers are in a favorable position. Read the full article.

Carriers Focus on Recruiting Drivers and Using Fewer Brokers

In the article “Next Exit: Driver Shortage?” discusses the predicted scarcity of truck drivers and the implications of this condition for the industry. The author highlights TCP’s findings that industry professionals are focusing on recruiting drivers and are using fewer brokers. Read the full article.

Driver Shortage Due to Increased Freight discusses TCP’s Business Expectation Survey’s finding that there is currently a driver shortage due to increased amounts of truck freight. The article notes carriers’ reported decrease in dependence on brokers and a supply-demand dynamic that favors truckers. Read the full article.

Rates Drop to the Benefit of Brokers

The SupplyChain Digest article “As Truckload Rates Continue Freefall, Middlemen Actually See Margins Grow” quoted Lana Batts, a managing partner at Transport Capital Partner (TCP), about the economic outlook of the transportation industry this year. Many of Batts’ data has been collected via TCP’s quarterly Business Expectations Surveys. Read the full article.