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Carriers Finding Re-Negotiation of Accessorials Challenging shared TCP survey results (from the 4th Quarter BES) that show 42% of carriers expecting their customers to resist re-negotiating accessorials.

Fifty percent of smaller carriers and 38 percent of larger carriers expressed pessimistism about accessorials. However, carriers small and large were more positive about re-negotiating detention times – 43 percent expected to re-negotiate.

“Credit availability and carrier profitability go hand–in-hand, both are essential to replace aging fleet assets and to grow capacity. Carriers with stronger profitability and cash flows will find credit available and affordable and will be better positioned to gain market share,” said Steven Dutro, TCP Partner.

Full article here.

Entry-Level Drivers Will Be Sought

With the many changes taking place in the regulatory and economic environment, many carriers are reviewing their labor policies. Highlighting 4th Quarter BES results, Commercial Carrier Journal ( recently reported on these trends.

The TCP survey showed less than 30% of carriers hiring inexperienced, entry-level drivers. But that number is set to grow. Slightly over half of all carriers expect to soon be training and utilizing inexperienced, entry-level drivers.

While this majority is slight, a stunning 84 percent of carriers are willing to support allowing younger, properly trained drivers to enter the driving pool.

“We believe this means they support other carriers hiring and training younger driver so that they can then poach them later,” says Richard Mikes, TCP Partner.

Read the article here.